Thursday, January 17, 2008


OK, If you ever thought that I was above appearing popular, you are about to be disabused of that notion.

I am so excited, because today, this blog got it's 500th hit!

You have no idea how much that amazes me, considering that only about 5 people who actually know me in person have this web address (I'm slowly working on that by the way.)

This is my confession--if you look at the ticker at the bottom of this page, you will see that it counts 600 hits instead of 500. Well, remember what I said about appearing popular? I started the ticker at 100, because I didn't want to look like a newbie. Now I'm totally busted. But that's OK, because I'm just tickled silly over the idea that my blog has been pulled up 500 times.

I know that most of the readers are fly-bys who will never come back. But a few of you have stuck around, and I am encouraged by you. I hope you are edified, encouraged and maybe even smile sometimes when you read this blog. But most of all, I hope you see the glory of God, even in just some tiny way. If I could tell every person who ever stumbles by this blog just one thing it would be this--Read the Bible! You will be amazed. Don't just read a verse here or there. Really get into it and read the thing. It has transformed me. And I believe it can do the same for you.


Nicole said...

Hi Hadassah, fellow siesta from the LPM Blog here. Just wanted you to know you gave me a good "LOL" with your comment about doing an eagle spread. Brought back some memories from Junior high. :) And I echo your excitement about the Body!

Blessings on your day,


mandy said...

another siesta!
congrats on your 500th.