Bathsheba's Children. What in the world is that about? It might sound strange, but Bathsheba's children represent a profound picture of God's grace and redemption. It's an idea that I haven't been able to shake for the past six months or so. I did a Beth Moore Bible Study last Spring (that would be 2007) called "A Heart Like His" that was just excellent. It explores the the biblical account of King David, his youthful heroism, his flight from King Saul, his rise to power, his eventual disgrace in sin, his repentance and restoration with God and the various problems that his family faced as a result of his egregious sin. Well, if you remember your Sunday School lessons, you will remember that it was Bathsheba who participated in the adulterous relationship with King David that set in motion a chain of very regrettable events. A child was conceived, a cover up attempted, and before it was all over, Bathsheba's husband was murdered along with many of his fellow soldiers. And that just scratches the surface of what went wrong.
Bathsheba eventually had two children (that we know of) with King David. Their conception and the impact of their lives were drastically different. I think they offer a beautiful illustration of God's grace to scandalous sinners, like me, and like you. Bathsheba's first child was conceived in sin, secrecy and disgrace. That could have been the end of the story. But it wasn't. Bathsheba had another child, Jedidiah, also known as Solomon. Who was he? Only the greatest King ever to rule ancient Israel. Why did God choose to reward Bathsheba with such a son? Because God is better and more gracious than we can begin to imagine, that's why. And I'd like to explore that concept in-depth.
10 years ago
Hello there :)
I found your blog through your comments to someone named Randy at Ron Gleason's post regarding the Emergent Church. I was impressed with the gracious way you responded to both sides, not taking a side, but pointing out what made sense to you, so I decided to check out your blog.
I am actually going through "A Heart Like His" myself at the moment, and I am loving it. Beth Moore has to be one of my favorite authors, and if you check out my blog, you'll see me quote her several times.
I am so thankful that I found your blog, as I have been realizing that women seem to be greatly outnumbered here in the Christian blog community. It's understandable, but finding another sister is a great blessing.
I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog in the future.
Many blessings
I just found your bog through Split Decizion~ great blog. I love and thoroughly agree with your love of God's's the only reason I'm standing and why I'm ALWAYS blessed!
Have a great Sunday!
I found your blog thru a google search related to a sermon (in 4 pts) by Carter Conlon on youtube, called "Reprobates and Trembling Nations", wherein he shared about "repairer of the breach" (which caused me to google it to find the scriptural reference ie Isa 58). One of the links was to Bathsheba's Children. I want to compliment you on an uplifting blog
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