I wasn't planning to post anything today. But I just can't help myself this morning. I got the best present from my husband. And it was a total surprise which makes it even more special, because I wasn't expecting it, and because I am very difficult to truly surprise. (I have a sixth sense about things.)
Waiting for me on the kitchen table, where I read my Bible in the morning, was a jewelry box beautifully wrapped in ribbon. I guessed what was in it before I opened it, but I was still delighted when I cracked open the box. It contained the tiniest diamond cross you can image. It was intended to be worn by a child, that is how tiny it is. I had seen one like it in a jewelry store a few weeks ago and just fell in love with it. Not because it is showy or expensive, which I normally like very much in jewelry, but because it seemed like a precious and tiny treasure to be worn over the heart, something that can be secretive and discrete, but is still radiant and beautiful, even if it is hidden by a sweater. And it is a cross. I can't imagine a more potent love symbol than the cross.
I have never owned a cross pendant before, and before now I have never really thought they were a big deal or wanted one. But now, it is my favorite piece of jewelry, because it represents two things for me. The love of my husband, which is more precious to me than all the diamonds in the world, and the love of my Saviour, which is even more precious to me than my beloved husband.
So on Valentine's Day, my dear husband, please know that I love you with all of my heart. You are a good man and we have a good life together. I don't want anything more than what we have.
But it is the love of God, powerfully and amazingly expressed by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, that awes and overwhelms me. There truly is no greater love.
10 years ago
How beautiful. I'm glad you shared that. :)
Me too!! I'm so happy for you. It sounds beautiful, and is made all the more so by what, and whom, it represents for you.
Was so pleased to stumble upon your beautiful blog through your comment at Pyromaniacs. I could not have agreed more with what you said our the Judaeo-Christian heritage and in it's influence on our Western culture.
Would love to help you out with a fresh blog design, if you're interested.
Made me tear up... i am so glad that my big brother has such a good wife!
How precious your thoughts about this cross, and how precious your husband's thoughts about getting it for his Valentine.
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