With the new Indiana Jones movie hitting theaters, I started thinking about that older Indiana Jones movie. You know, the one where he races against the evil Nazis to find the ark of the covenant. That scene, when the ark is opened by the bad guys, and their faces melt, is forever imprinted on the memory of my childhood. Never had a cooler or creepier movie been made as far as my preteen self was concerned.
And then last weekend, my husband and I watched a rather fascinating documentary about a man who set out to track down and discover the real ark of the covenant. He didn't find it. He did find something sort of like it that was about 800 years old (maybe 600, but pretty old nonetheless) which was located in modern day Zimbabwe.
A few days later, I came upon this verse in Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 3:16
"Then it shall come to pass, when you are multiplied and increased in the land in those days," says the LORD, "that they will say no more, "The ark of the covenant of the LORD". It shall not come to mind, nor shall they remember it, not shall they visit it, nor shall it be made anymore."
Hmm. That last part, "nor shall it be made anymore" intrigued me. Does that mean that the original ark is now "unmade" and therefore doesn't even exist? I sure could have saved Mr. Documentary a whole heap of trouble if that were the case.
A couple of different commentaries seemed to think that that last phrase meant the ark wouldn't be repaired anymore. It would just sort of be forgotten and allowed to deteriorate. It is fairly certain that the ark was carried away during the Babylonian captivity, and we know that it was not restored when the temple was rebuilt. So I suppose that the physical form of the ark could possibly exist somewhere amidst undiscovered Babylonian or Assyrian treasures. But, I kind of doubt it. I think the thing has ceased to exist.
More importantly, though, is the reason that the original ark, and its current location, are completely irrelevant to us, except as a historical curiosity.
The ark served as God's dwelling place on earth. It was his figurative throne, and all of Judaism, with its intricate ceremonies and symbolism, revolved around it. The ark was so holy that touching it brought certain death. Only after going through excessive ritual cleansing could a priest approach the ark, and then only once a year, and then bearing blood to atone for Israel's sins.
Once, when the Philistines captured the ark,their cities were afflicted with tumors and plagues of rats. Nice. The Philistines returned it pretty quickly. Upon its return, the Israelites treated it casually, and they were struck dead. You can read the full story in 1 Sam 4-6. In other words, the ark was holy, precious and terrifying, all at the same time.
OK, but why is the ark now irrelevant? Quite simply, its because God doesn't dwell in it anymore. He has abandoned the ark for, what I think, is a much better throne: the hearts of His children.
1 Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
One more thing. The ark held several items: a golden pot with some manna in it, Aaron's rod that budded (Aaron was a priest), and the stone tablets on which were written the ten commandments (the law).
Well, guess what else God has put in our hearts besides His Spirit?
Jeremiah 31:33
"But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."
Did you see that? The law, which was once written on tablets of stone and kept in a box, is now carved into our very hearts and minds. Amazing.
I suppose that I could stretch this post out and explain that we now receive manna directly from God through His daily provisions for us, and we are all priests, just as the budding rod of Aaron indicated. But, that would make this post waaaay too long. Maybe you could just take my word for it?
So, next time a friend of yours starts to muse about "whatever happened to the ark of the covenant," you can tell them exactly why it doesn't matter anymore. (What? You and your friends don't talk about stuff like that? What kind of friends do you have, anyway?)
Do you think I should write Mr. Documentary a letter and fill him in too?
10 years ago
That is too cool Hadassah, thanks for sharing. My Tuesday night bible study group just started doing Beth Moore's bible study on the Tabernacle: A Woman's Heart God's dwelling place. This post is way ahead of where we are since we've only just finished the first week, and I can't wait to get where Beth is telling us what you just told us. It excites me to know that God wants to dwell within us and that from the beginning He made a way through Jesus for that to be a reality.
I'm going to link this post to our blog that we use to share what we are learning. I think the ladies in our study will enjoy what you had to share.
Thanks again.
Such an awesome post!! I found your blog through Regina's link on our Bible study blog.
The very thought that God desires to dwell within someone like me is overwhelming. Such grace and mercy. Such love He has for us. I am so profoundly amazed and thankful.
Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to visit again. Lynn
Actually, my husband and talk about stuff like that a lot. VERY interesting post!
I loved this post, Hadassah. Thanks for sharing.
"HOORAY!!!" That's what my heart says when I read this. How precious that He would make His home with us. That He has inscribed His word on our hearts. You write so that I want more straight from The Word...I can hear you talking. Also, thank you for your earnest prayers this week...my idea of prayer has changed a great deal! Have a great night!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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