If you don't have nuthin' nice to say, don't say nuthin' at all.
I'm not sure if my Mom ever actually dispensed this advice to me, or if I only heard it from Thumper in the movie Bambie. But either way, there are times when advice is worth heeding.
Alas, for me, now is such a time.
I don't have anything nice to say, and that is why you haven't heard me saying anything at all on this blog.
What is even worse is that I don't expect anything to change in the near future. If you are familiar with writer's block, I've got something similar. Only mine is spiritual in nature. I'm so spiritually blocked I don't know what to do about it.
There are, of course, some reasons that the above are happening. This blog just isn't the appropriate place to discuss them. Because I don't have anything nice to say--and so I'm not going to say anything at all.
It's a good thing I believe without a doubt in the perseverance of the saints. (That would basically mean, once saved, always saved.) Because if it was up to me...
But God never lets go. And I know He has not forsaken me. And I know He is always working all things out for my good. I know all of the right things to know. I just don't know where He is going with this one.
Psalm 27:9
"Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation."
10 years ago