That title will get your attention won't it?
I'm talking, OF COURSE, about Romans 8:26-27!
What did you think I was talking about???
Romans 8:26-27
"Likewise the Spirit also helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God."
I made reference to these verses at the end of my last post "Big Britches." I would have included them, but that post was already pretty long.
I am fascinated by the idea of the Holy Spirit making prayers for me that cannot even be put into words. Have you ever felt a strong desire to pray, but you didn't really know what to say? I have. Many times, actually. It usually happens when something tragic has happened or might happen, and I know I need to pray about it, but I'm not quite sure how. There have also been times when I felt a strong inward desire to pray for myself, but again, was at a loss as to what exactly I needed to ask God for.
How amazing it is that these verses make us confident of two things. First, that the Spirit is making intercessions for the saints (that would be you and me, my fellow Christians) according to the will of God. And second, that God, who searches the heart, knows what the Spirit is praying for. It's a complete circle. God knows what the Spirit is requesting, because the Spirit only requests what is God's perfect will.
Our inability to conjure up the right phrases, or even requests, doesn't get in God's way at all!
And the best part is, that this entire cycle of intercession and God's will work together to....wait for it.....wait for us in our weaknesses!
So don't be discouraged my fellow saints. Even if you ain't got the words, the Spirit Himself is interceding for you with groanings which cannot be uttered.
10 years ago
This truth has been a comfort to many times ~ thanks for the reminder.
These verses have been such a consolation to me throughout the past year. I can remember a couple of occassions when i put my face on my "oh so worn" carpet, and just cried, "Dear Lord, My Precious Father, God in Heaven", and just knew that, at that moment, my confused and baffled heart was heard, interpretted and interceeded for. The post was a blessing!
I loved this post. Not only was it a good reminder but it was also crazy that I read it and I'll tell you why. I haven't had time to read blogs or blog at all really. However, on my lunch break today I decided to read a few random blogs. I smiled really big when I started reading this one because I have been covering the same verses and topics over the past week, but they are in seperate places. We covered the verse in bible study, then talked about the Spirit last Sunday then I read your blog. It's like I'm being told something. I need to pay attention. Thanks so much.
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