I'm not glad I'm mad,
I would be glad if I was sad.
But I'm such a cad, I get mad.
Not sad.
I'd prefer to be glad, but every silly fad
That makes the church look bad
Makes me mad, mad, mad.
The more I'm exposed to what passes as Christian teaching, preaching, writing, and advice, the madder I get. So much of it is just plain bad. Some of it isn't even Christian at all, but should be considered practical advice that would apply to any religion or culture. Some of it is so basic that 3rd graders should be yawning at it. Some of it is worse than that and patently anti-biblical.
What is a girl to do?
I'll tell you what I do, I get mad. Well, that is putting it lightly. I have internal temper tantrums.
My husband deals with it much better. He has things like patience, and compassion, and *ick* concern and love. Hmph. I don't know where he is getting them, but I missed my dose lately.
I have this niggling feeling, though, that he in in possession of the more appropriate response.
Whatcha think?
10 years ago
On top of the fact that I obviously agree with you, I get even MORE mad about the fact that so much of what passes as Christian writing which is humanistic, fluffy, poorly researched or outright heretical gets published and sold in "Christian" bookstore, while I can't even get an agent (let alone a publisher) to look at the manuscript I slaved over because I have no "name recognition". Yep. I get pretty irritated (and cynical) myself when I walk through Walmart, open the CBD catalogue, or go anywhere near a Christian bookstore.
You are so right. My husband and I went 8 months not too long ago without being in church. We had similar issues with "church" in our area. We never could get the verse out of our minds about "Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves". So we are now involved in church again - knowing that we are in God's will to do so - but still so disheartened by what goes on in churches today. If you have a chance, check out my husband's Youtube channel - "Brother Ronnie". He expresses a lot of his thoughts/concerns for the church there.
I'm so thankful for you posts by the way. You do an excellent job.
How are you, Hadassah? I'm sure many things are changing in your life...I do hope all is well...:)
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