The Christian life calls for such a tightrope walk sometimes. Where exactly is the line between works and grace? Or, how do we strive toward heaven, without disregarding the here and now? Where are we supposed to draw the line between enjoying the blessings God has given us, and indulging in excessive luxury? Is it OK to spend time playing tennis, when I could be using that time to disciple a young believer? All of it calls for balance, right? Well, I think there are some things that leave no room for balance, but rather, are clearly meant to be all consuming.
I read these verses the other night.
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
I don't think that leaves much wiggle room. I don't see any indication that we are supposed to take a balanced approach to "these words." This section of scripture is found just after Moses has been recounting to the Israelites the commandments, statutes, and judgments of the LORD. I think it is safe to say that our modern equivalent of those things is the Bible.
Here is how I would break down these verses.
*Love the LORD your God emotionally, practically, actively, with all that you are, and with all of your mind, perspective, and thought life.
*Make these words a part of your heart, as in, part of your emotional understanding, part of what is inside you that drives and motivates you.
*Teach the scripture to your children!!!!
*Talk about the scripture in your home, with those closest to you, with those you love, as part of your everyday life. To me this means regularly, all the time, as a matter of habit. (when you sit in your house)
*Talk about and live according to scripture as you go about your daily business, your routines, your errands, your job! (when you walk by the way)
*Even in your recreation, and times of rest, seek after and love God! (this would be my take on "when you lie down")
*Make it part of the action of your hands: all your works, your accomplishments, your dealings, for me this would include housework, changing diapers, taking care of home and family.
*"frontlets between your eyes"-This one is convicting. Think about what you spend your time looking at, watching, absorbing. TV? Not much of it would be acceptable if we truly looked at it through a veil of scripture, would it? Another way of looking at this-do your frame your opinions (view things) based on what God says, or on what man says?
*God's word should be what we build our homes and home life upon. Our family life should revolve around it. We should be a home and family that proclaims the truth of God's Word in our daily living, our private family time, and our "gates"-the things the world sees when they observe us.
Listen, I am not perfect at this. But, I get the fact that my relationship to God is not subject to being balanced with other things in my life. It is not part of my life, it is my life. It is not part of what I believe, it is the basis of everything I believe. It is not a thing that I participate in, it drives and directs everything else that I do, every part of my life.
That makes me strange in today's culture. Even among many other Christians. The idol of a balanced life has unfortunately crept into our idea of religion.
God does not want us to be balanced. Not when it comes to Him: all your heart, soul, strength. Doesn't leave much else...
10 years ago
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