There are all sorts of Christians in the world. We come under many banners, ascribe to various theories, and the "flavors" of belief we offer are almost endless. Which, nowadays, is not necessarily such a bad thing. A few hundered years ago you were liable to get yourself burned at the stake, or worse, if you happened to fall on the wrong side of a doctrinal issue. The right side, of course, was determined by whoever happened to be in power at the moment.
But one problem that arises from all of this diversity of thought and theology is this: Who can really be called a Christian, and who is disqualified from taking that label based on what they believe?
It can get sort of thorny. Are Mormons Christians? I don't agree that they are, but I think there are many Mormons who would take issue with me. Perhaps some non-Mormons as well.
One particularly distasteful (to me) breed of Christian thought goes something like this: My beliefs and my theology are perfect. Everyone else is totally wrong. And not only are they wrong, but they probably aren't even real Christians to begin with, because they don't see points x, y and z the same way I do.
Please don't misunderstand me. I believe that there is truth, and that God has revealed Himself to us in Scripture, and that Scripture is able to be discerned and its truths understood. But some topics are just plain gray. And some Christians, altough I would never argue that they are insincere, are wrong. But they are still Christians regardless.
So where are the boundary lines that determine what is essential and what is debatable? Well, far be it from me to consider myself smart enough to grasp all of the intricate ins and outs of that question. But, I'd like to offer you a tool that has been very helpful to me in determining what should be considered Christianity, and what is another religion altogether. It's called the Apostle's Creed.
Some of you know it by heart and have grown up repeating it out loud in church services. Others of you might be familiar with it, and even know it by heart, but rarely, if ever, used it in public worship. And to some of you, it might be brand new. So here it is:
The Apostle's Creed
I believe in God the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilot, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; On the third day He arose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; I believe a holy catholic Christian church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting.
If a person can claim all of the elements of the Apostle's Creed, we should consider them to be a Christian. Their particular denomination might do things, or believe some things, that are different than our own denomination. But we are all Christians. And we need to keep that in mind.
I know I have been guilty in the past of thinking that my understanding of Scripture was so superior to other's understanding that it made me wonder if they were even really saved. I don't feel that way anymore. And I'm sort of ashamed that I ever did. I mean, when did God make Hadassah the judge of anyone else's salvation. He didn't.
Like I said before, I do think truth matters. And I happen to be convinced that my own beliefs are absolutly true, or else I wouldn't believe them. But you and I can disagree about all sorts of things, that don't happen to be part of the Apostle's Creed, and still embrace each other as fellow saints and believers.
Now, if you start trying to tell me that Jesus wasn't raised from the dead, or something like that, then... Houston...we have a problem. Or should I say, a chance for me to convince you of the truth?
Oh yeah, one more thing. Many thanks go to the Red & Black Redneck for inspiring this post. He will probably claim credit anyway. So thanks dear!
10 years ago
Good thoughts. I especially like the reference to the Apostle's Creed.
So important to know what we truly believe and then to able to articulate our belief with love, respect, and grace.
Thanks for the reminder.
Hi Elaine! It's good to hear from you!
I have to tell you something that makes me smile. There is a Realtor in town where I live, and her name is Elaine Peace. Every time I drive past one of her signs, I always think of you.
Yes, it's a blessing to know that we can disagree about many "minor" things but still worship one God. . . .otherwise, there would only be ONE Christian.
I think there is some difference between every believer, even believers going to the same "type" of church.
Thank goodness there is Grace. The Lord doesn't want us to have all the answers. . .just a willing heart that can be changed by Him!
Absolutely stolen from me.
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