As a Christian, have you ever had one of those moments when the thought hits you like a ton of bricks, "What if all of this is not true? What if it's just made up?"
I haven't been hit by that particular ton of bricks lately, but it has happened before. And it's likely to happen again. Fortunately, it doesn't take too much effort for me to resolve the issue. Pretty much, I just look at the nearest tree. Or, baring the availability of a tree, I glance up at the sky. And Psalm 19 immediately comes to mind.
Psalm 19: 1-4
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world.
What the Psalmist is saying, in much prettier words than I could come up with, is that the very existance of creation makes the existance of a Creator obvious. And every single person, of every single language, in every single location in the entire world, knows it. Even those who might exist at the ends of the world, far away from the written language of Scripture or the organized nature of church, are aware that God exists. In fact, the sky, and the arch of the sky (that would be the firmament) not only speak to the existance of God, but they declare His glory. (Chill bumps!) Every single day, and every single night, creation "speaks" and "reveals" knowledge; specific knowledge: knowledge of God's existance and glory. (Chill bumps again!)
Rom 1:20
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse" (emphasis mine)
Here in Romans, the Bible gets even more specific. Not only does creation declare that God exists, but now we see that the "things that are made" understand what is being said.
So why do some persist in disbelieving? Paul goes on in the next verse of Romans to give us an explanation.
Rom 1:21
"because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened."
Foolish, darkened hearts. That's the simple answer. The complicated answer involves a lot more than foolish, darkened hearts. But, I'm content to let Paul's words stand as he wrote them, because, although simple, they are vividly true.
It seems to me that I always have these flashes of doubt when I am riding around in my car, thinking. It makes me wonder where people went to do their serious thinking before cars were invented. For a walk maybe, or sitting in a rocking chair? Perhaps while staring into the leaping flames of a fire? It doesn't matter, I suppose. I do my serious thinking while driving to the grocery store. Which is probably a good thing. Because, while I am gripping the steering wheel of my car, another verse comes to mind and shuts down the argument completely.
2 Peter 3:10,11
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness," (emphasis mine)
I think that my car falls into the catagory of the "works" that are in the earth. And according to 2 Peter, my car is going to melt, or better yet, dissolve. That kind of puts things in perspective. Truth of God? Lasts forever. Steering wheel of my car? Melting like cheese on a hot burger.
And so, my friends, I can drive on with a light heart. It is real. All of it.
10 years ago
Oh, wow, Hadassah, just this past week I had those "moments"! I had signed up to teach VBS, and the curriculum was all Young Earth Theory, which they're pushing as dogma. I had a really hard time with that, because of the implications. I don't have time to write too much about it now, but just because the earth is many millions of years old doesn't negate AT ALL the truth of His Word. Even believing the Bible whole-heartedly, I had a bit of a struggle reconciling those two sides. But yes; those moments of doubt can be terrifying -- what IF it were all made up?
Thank God He has revealed Himself to us, in so many ways so we don't have to doubt, even though we don't have all the answers.
I wish we were closer, I would so enjoy meeting you for dessert to laugh, cry, and talk about the wonderous love of Jesus.
Beautifully expressed! I just stumbled across your site while "surfing" CWO, and I've been blessed by your posts. :-)
Thank you Kathryn! Please come visit again!
Ali-I would love that too! You are one of many "moved-away" friends that I wish were closer!
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