I had some unexpected visitors this morning. Two very nice women rang my doorbell. I spotted them knocking on the front door of my neighbor, and sort of scoped them out as they made their way to my house. I figured they were with some sort of religious organization. Normally, I DO NOT open my door if I am unaware of who the person is on the other side. I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of character, and there have been some, um, interesting people that have come by.
But these two seemed harmless enough, so I said a quick prayer asking for grace, wisdom and knowledge, and when they rang, I opened the door.
They were Jehovah's Witnesses. It took a few minutes to get around to that, but eventually we got there. I am not all that familiar with the Jehovah's Witnesses and what they believe. But I thought that there was some major point of disagreement between their beliefs and the typical evangelical, so I asked them what it might be.
In a nutshell, they deny the Trinity. They believe that Jesus was a special, righteous man, but they don't believe that He was God in the flesh.
Oh, boy! How often is it that you have a chance to really talk, without any hesitation or constraints, about religion with a perfect stranger? This was an opportunity that I just couldn't resist! These two very nice ladies had come expecting to tell me about the kingdom of Heaven, and throughout our conversation, they kept trying to steer me back to their agenda. But I wanted to talk about Christ, so I did.
I don't remember everything that they said or that I said. But, as soon as they realized that I was an evangelical Christian who knew more about the Bible than the 23rd Psalm, they wanted to find common ground between us. I, however, had the exact opposite intent, and wanted to point out to them that we did not, in fact, believe the same thing at all. And I told them at least 6 or 7 times as they stood on my doorstep that I feared for their souls, because they did not believe in Jesus as He revealed Himself in Scripture.
Before I go on, I should say that I was extremely polite, and so were they. But there was no way I was going to let them leave my doorstep without telling them that they believed a lie, that they did not know the truth, and that come Judgment Day, they would be on the wrong side of God, unless they trusted in Jesus as Saviour and LORD. (LORD as in God.)
They shared some arguments against Christ's divinity, I opened my Bible to John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." They told me that my Bible had a mistranslation of that verse. They had an "explanation" for everything. Of course, they are well trained in their beliefs before they are sent out to knock on doors, so I shouldn't have been surprised about that.
At a certain point they decided to leave, once they realized that they were not going to convince me of anything. They gave me a few verses to look up that had to do with Heaven, which was what they wanted to talk about all along. Before they left I encouraged them to read the Bible for themselves, without the influence of what someone else told them to believe, and let Scripture speak for itself. They actually seemed to listen when I told them that. And then I parted by telling them that I would pray for their souls all day today, because they did not know the truth, and had not been brought to the light.
This was such a strange experience for me. I don't normally look people in the eye and tell them their souls are going to be separated from God for all of eternity. I sort of doubt that anyone had ever told them that before. But, there are times when we just have to speak the truth in love. And when a stranger comes to your door, and they want to talk about what you believe, then how can you pass up the opportunity to give them the TRUTH?
Naturally, after they left, I came up with about 5 good Bible verses that would have gone a long way toward proving my case. And a dozen arguments against their logic. But I suppose if they were supposed to hear those things, God would have impressed them on me before this encounter. But, I'll tell you one thing. I'll be even better prepared next time.
I should hang a sing on my door, "Jehovah's Witnesses Welcome!" OK, just kidding.
10 years ago
So God is lying when he calls Jesus his son? And when Jesus prays to his father he is really praying to himself? Another scripture that lies? And Jesus (God) resurrects himself, so he doesn't die for us? That's a lie too? So if Jesus never died then we really have no salvation after all? This is all horrible!
Matthew 7:15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.The sleazy watchtower $ociety only cares about it's image,devotion of it's followers,and plundering the time money and assets of followers.
Just like a cult in every way..... More have died from their Watchtower spiritual and medical quackery than Jim Jones and David Koresh cults combined!
Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs: A) They are at your door to recruit you for enslavement to their watchtower corporation,they will say that "we are just here to share a message from the Bible" this is deception right off. B) Their 'message' is a false Gospel that Jesus had his second coming in 1914.The problem with this is it's not just a cute fairy tale,Jesus warned of the false prophets who would claim "..look he is here in the wilderness,or see here he is at the temple..."
C) Their anti-blood transfusion ban has killed hundreds if not thousands
D) once they recruit you they will "love bomb" you in cult fashion to also recruit your family & friends or cut them off. There are many more dangers,Jehovah's Witnesses got a bad rap for good and valid reasons. 99% of the world has rejected the teachings of the Watchtower Jehovah’s Witnesses, the darker truth is they are a destructive and oppressive organization.
--Danny Haszard Jehovah's Witness X 33 years http://www.freeminds.org
Mr. Haszard is an apostate who could not live up to scriptural principles himself and left the way of the truth. He now adheres to no religion and spends his free time bashing those (especially JW's) who endeavor to follow the Christ and act according to Bible standards.
Well, well, well. It looks like I've attracted my first controversy.
Mr. Anonymous, you are clearly not a regular reader of this blog. I must surmise that you enjoy Googling the term "Jehovah's Witnesses" and then leaving obnoxious, anonymous, fly-by comments. That is such a great use of time! We should all be so fortunate to have excess time on our hands.
This blog is not about apologetics, and I will not allow it to become such. You clearly do not subscribe to orthodox Christianity as it has been understood and practiced for the past 2000 years. You have decided to place your faith in a made up, false religion that originated in the mid 1800's. Although the heresy that Christ is not part of the Trinity is nothing new, your particular brand of that heresy is new, relatively speaking. If you are comfortable trusting your eternal state to a completely man-made cult, then may God have mercy on you sir.
I am not going to take the time to refute your ridiculous logic. There are others who are much smarter than I am who have already done that justice. To any of my readers who are curious to learn more about the falsehood of Jehovah's Witness and the truth that Scripture teaches, allow me to recommend:
I'm sorry that I don't know how to post a hyperlink, or else I would.
And, Mr. Anonymous, please be advised that unless you have anything constructive to say, your further comments will immediately be deleted. And I will pray that God reveals the truth to you.
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