Isaiah 5:13
"Therefore my people have gone into captivity,
Because they have no knowledge;
Their honorable men are famished,
And their multitude dried up with thirst."
I have really enjoyed writing this blog. It has affected me in many ways. One thing that I didn't expect was the way other people would open up to me as a result of reading about my experiences. You can't imagine how eye-opening that has been for me. Girls, we all have so many things that we struggle with in private. Not a single one of us is exempt. Just when I start to think that I am the only person in the world who needs so much help, along comes someone else who wants to open up. And I'll cry sometimes and pray. But more than anything, I'll be encouraged to keep plugging along. Because there is a solution, an answer to all of those struggles. The answer is truth, God's truth, exchanged for the lies that this world grinds into our heads.
It really does matter what you believe. I have heard lots of people say things along the lines of, "I don't think it matters what you believe about God (in other words-theology), just as long as you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins." OK, I get that. Yes, the most basic truth in the Christian faith is important, vitally important. You will never hear me say otherwise. But, listen, the rest matters too. What you believe has a direct impact on how you live your life, how deeply you enjoy God, and your ability to serve Him.
Let me give you an example. I spend some time reading blogs that are written by other women. One blog in particular always makes me cry, because the woman who writes it seems to have gotten more than her fair share of pain in this life. Recently she shared a story of a friend who did not believe that she was saved because she could not forgive someone who hurt her badly.
Would you be able to pinpoint the error in that train of thought? If a friend came crying on your shoulder with that dilemma, could you offer her real comfort? Comfort based on truth?
Yes, truth matters. Understanding the truth of God's written, revealed Word matters. The more I learn about God, through reading the Bible, the more deeply I am affected by Him. You can be a Christian and never bother with learning any more than the basics. But don't you want more than that? Don't you want to actually enjoy the power and promises of God? How would you like to live your life like this:
Isaiah 58:10-11
"Then your light shall dawn in the darkness,
And your darkness shall be as the noonday.
The LORD will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."
There is nothing I want more! And, there is nothing that I want more for other women. None of us gets to choose how we will serve God, or how He will use us for His glory. God is in complete control of that. But He has given me a passion for one specific thing--to show other Christian women the riches that are supposed to be their's in Christ. Some people have a passion for evangelism, others for hospitality or service. Me? I want to share the deep, abiding joy and passion that I have in Christ, specifically with women who are already Christians.
This statement is not meant to be applied to everyone I know. Forgive me for sounding arrogant if I do, but I see Christians all over the place who suffer from lack of knowledge about God. They are famished, and dried up with thirst just as described in Isaiah 5:13. They have no knowledge, or very little anyway. And do you know what you find every time there is lack of knowledge? Captivity. That is why truth matters. Truth is the only way out of captivity.
Isaiah 61:1
"...He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives,
And the opening of the prison to those who are bound..."
Did you know that reading this verse from Isaiah was Jesus first public declaration of who He was and why He came? You can find an account of it in Luke 4:18. Jesus proclaimed liberty. He opened the prison doors. Come on out.
10 years ago
Nicely said. I agree. Believing in God is the first step, but there is so much more.
I came by to thank you for your sweet, heartfelt comment on my blog, but I got so much more!
That word "Captivity" is the word that GOD had me just zero in on during my prayer and Bible study time. He had been putting it in different places and different themes all weekend.
You were the last person who posted on my blog and when I got to your blog - I WAS BLOWN AWAY!
Everything you said was exactly how I felt and feel!!!
As Christians, we do not have the luxury of not really knowing the truth. THE TRUTH - which is CHRIST and HIS words is what sets captives free!
You can't be free without it! Oh I am so thankful for you this morning! I was so discouraged because of my children and what GOD was tenderly teaching me. I guess more in a time of sadness instead of discouraged.
Thank you for posting this. If no one says anything about it at all - know this for sure - IT WAS MEANT EXACTLY FOR ME!
GOD is holding me even as he teaches me hard lessons.
Praise HIM!
Thank you for your obedience!
Love and prayers,
I just wanted to let you know I made a feeble first attempt at posting what I keep hearing as I read HIS Holy Word and in praying:
This issue of captivity and the
URGENT NEED for us to know HIS TRUTH.
As more and more things like Oprah's new "religion" is brought into the homes of millions of women, they are easily misled if they are not grounded in the TRUTH of HIS WORD.
I don't want to sound like a drama queen, but I fear that as the book of Jude talks about this sort of thing, the people who do not have a grounding in HIS truth and the word can be led astray at this critical time.
Call me a Drama Queen, but I think it is becoming more and more serious and souls of millions of unsuspecting women are at stake.
Many Blessings and Much prayer,
I agree with Teri -- that's not an over-dramatic statement at all. It's true.
John Macarthur wrote a wonderful book years ago called "Worship: the Ultimate Priority" in which he elaborates on the same points. To worship in spirit and in TRUTH, we have to worship God as He is, not as we have made Him out to be in our minds (a form of idolatry). This is one problem; the "make-your-own-God" approach. The other is biblical illiteracy, which is becoming the norm -- even among evangelical Christians. Our associate pastor touched on that subject briefly once - saying even at the entry level of seminary how many would-be pastors were unable to explain even the most basic tenets of Christianity.
There's another problem, however, and this is mine: having the head-knowledge and knowing the verses and promises, but somehow being unable to get them down into one's heart or really believe God with that childlike trust. I know what the Bible says and can quote a dozen different authors that may speak to my situation, but my heart is still broken (feeling unloved, unappreciated and disrespected in my marriage, compounded by abandonment and ambivalence from God). There is much anger, and I know what the Bible says about anger. I know I need to repent, but have neither the emotion nor the energy right now. I feel like God and all this dry doctrine is a crutch I've latched on to for a measure of comfort, to make my unchanging reality more bearable. And I know what the Word says.
That's the reason I haven't blogged in a while; nothing "real" to say. I'm hoping to turn things around today (by spending time with God), but it's hard because He never answers or lets me feel His presence, so it feels like I'm talking to myself.
Marie, just wanted to let you know that I've read your comment and I'm thinking about it. Don't have anything much to add right now.
I'm curious though, and I wish we could have a real talk about some of the things you brought up.
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about God's holiness, and the fear of the LORD lately. I wonder sometimes if our failure to accept what God has told us comes from failing to start with God's holiness in our understanding of Him.
I wonder if we start with God's overwhelming love and grace before we have grasped how incredible those things actually are, in effect cheapening them.
Maybe your own experience has nothing whatsoever to do with what I'm thinking about. I'm probably just projecting my own current mindset on to your issues. But, like I said, I wish we could have a real talk about it.
I wonder sometimes if our failure to accept what God has told us comes from failing to start with God's holiness in our understanding of Him.
I wonder if we start with God's overwhelming love and grace before we have grasped how incredible those things actually are, in effect cheapening them.
I don't think I specifically do this, but that's a VERY good point; coincidentally one which John Macarthur spends a great deal of time on in the book I mentioned. My pastor preached a series on that subject a year or so ago - using the passage in Isaiah (where he has the vision in the temple and says he is undone because of God's holy presence) as his text.
But no; I have no problem seeing God as perfect, holy and completely "other". It's believing He could/does love an unlovely me that I struggle with. I do not have intimacy in my marriage, and when I was a charismatic-wanna-be I thought I had found the perfect way to fill that "hole". I'm still recovering (or nursing?) that wound, I guess, and sometimes it seems ripped open afresh and I feel completely alone. Like the Bible's just a book full o' stuff that has nothing to do with me.
I did, however, spend time in it (unfortunately, I was in 1 Chronicles 1-3 which is all geneologies today); and poured some of that pain out to's a trial, I guess, and I'm not trusting Him enough. I wish my faith were as strong as my doctrinal "head knowledge". I wish I weren't so emotion-driven. Intellectuals aren't supposed to be emotional. (Insert tongue firmly into cheek here).
I'm not sure you have my e-mail addy, as it's not on my blog. It is:
Thanks for listening!
Hello! I found your blog from another blog I saw on Linda's at 2nd Cup of Coffee. I loved this post! I'm in my first Kay Arthur precepts class right now, and it's on ISAIAH! We are on chapters 24 and 25 this week. Anyway, I just thought I'd say hello! Have a great week :)
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