OK, the terrifying vacuum cleaner is an inside joke around here. My 3 1/2 year old is terrified of our vacuum cleaner. When she was younger I could only take it out of the closet when she was sleeping because she would immediately start wailing at the sight of it. As she has grown older, she can tolerate looking at it. But the instant I turn it on, she hightails it to her room and yells "Are you finished yet, mommy" the entire time I am cleaning the rugs. I keep trying to tell her that it only makes a scary noise but it can't possibly hurt her. Despite my many attempts to reason with and reassure her, she just won't believe me. Aren't we just like that? God keeps telling us to trust in Him, and not to be afraid. But we insist on running every time the "vacuum" comes our way.
I wrote an entry on the LPM blog that said God had delivered me from all of my fears. And that is true, but I got to thinking that it was a pretty big statement. So if you have found your way over here, allow me to elaborate a bit. I don't mean to sound trite about this, because I know that there are things in this life that can, and will, cause us a great deal of pain. Pain is not fear, and it is not a failure to trust or believe God. Just read Psalms. David had plenty of pain. He cried out to God in painful moments. I have too. It's part of what God used to tender my heart to other people's pain.
But I really don't have fear. Even when I allow my imagination to to run rampant and think of all the most horrible things that could happen to me, I don't fear them. I certainly don't wish for them. I hope they don't come to pass. But suppose they did? Would that mean that God is not who He says He is? No. Would that mean that God does not love me? No. Would that mean that God is not good, and sovereign, and holy, and magnificent, and compassionate, and merciful? No, no, no, no, no, no.
Here's the secret: it ain't about me. That is it. Get that and you don't have to live in fear. It's about God; His purposes, His glory, and His perfect plan.
I have been thinking about some of the fears that God has delivered me from. I'm sure that this list is not comprehensive. It's just the things I can think of right now.
1. I'm not really good enough
2. People might find out what I am really like
3. Nobody really likes me, even if they act like they do
4. My family will be disappointed in me
5. I won't ever be loved as much as I need to be loved
6. I'll go through my whole life and nobody will ever give me the credit I deserve for being so great. (Let me tell you, pride and selfishness have been big obstacles for me to overcome)
7. I will only be loved by a man if I am sexy or beautiful
8. I will never have enough money or "stuff"
9. I will never be truly happy
Do you see any common threads here? All of those fears revolve around me, me, me. Serving my own ego was extremely scary.
But God has changed my heart. He has poured His love and grace into me. He took away my heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh. When I really began to understand that God, the holy God who created every particle in the universe and holds them together by His good will, loved me enough to overlook my offenses and even pay the price for my sins, I became free from fear. What is there left to be scared of? Sure, pain may come my way. But God will still love me. It is really that simple.
And as much as I am amused (and sometimes annoyed) when my child runs and hides from that scary old vacuum cleaner, it is a good reminder for me. I don't have to live in fear. I really can trust God when He tells me in His Word that He will never leave me or forsake me. I just wish I could get my little one to have as much faith in mommy!
Isaiah 43:1
"But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob,
And He who formed you, O Isreal:
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name;
You are Mine."
Joshua 1:9
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Psalm 56:3-4
"Whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust;
I will not fear.
What can flesh do to me?"
10 years ago
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