Monday, March 30, 2009


Matthew 27:46

"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (emphasis mine)

Jesus, being fully God and fully man, was unlike you and me.

He lived without sin and was always in a relationship of perfect love and perfect submission to the will of God the Father.

While Jesus prayed in the garden, in intense distress, before the events that led up to His crucifixion, He implored God to let the cup pass from Him if there was any other way.

Jesus was clearly aware of what was going to happen. He also knew why he had to endure the shame and humiliation of the cross. He was in agreement with the plan and submitted and participated willingly in God's redemptive work. He never doubted God's love, faithfulness or sovereignty.

And yet, in His humanity, in the moment of His agony, what did Jesus cry out?

My God, My God, WHY....

Because Jesus, our Great High Priest, was not only fully God, but fully human.

And we, in our human frailty, even when we trust that God is loving, faithful and sovereign, often do the same.

My God, my God, WHY...

Astoundingly,we have a High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses. (Heb 4:15) Jesus actually knew the answer to the 'why.' Yet He cried out in agony anyway. We often don't know the 'why' and may never in this life.

But because of the mercy and compassion of our Great God, we are privileged to say in the same breath:

"My God, my God, have mercy on me, a God, my God, WHY?"


Ali said...

Easter is my favorite celebration! I am amazed at His mercy!!!

Mrs. Erven said...

Check out the song, "Mystery of Mercy" by Caedmon's Call. Your post reminded of its lyrics..."My God, My God, why have you accepted me?"